Electrophysiological and anatomical studies have suggested the existence of a pathway between the caudal raphé nuclei and regions of the spinal cord containing the sympathetic preganglionic neurons. However synaptic connections between cells in the raphé nuclei and identified sympathetic preganglionic neurons have not yet been shown. We have used a combination of anterograde tracing using Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L), retrograde tracing using a conjugate of cholera B chain and HRP and electron microscopy to look for such a pathway in rats. When PHA-L had been injected into the regions mainly restricted to the raphé pallidus and raphé magnus, synaptic contacts were found between PHA-L containing terminals and preganglionic neurons retrogradely labelled from the adrenal medulla. Out of the 43 synaptic contacts analysed, 26 were onto somata and 14 onto dendrites. 75% of the total appeared to have symmetric membrane specialisations, 20% asymmetric and the remainder could not be classified. Synaptic contacts were not seen in an animal in which the PHA-L injection site involved cells in the ventral raphé obscurus and surrounding gigantocellular reticular formation. These findings provide evidence of the existence of a direct monosynaptic pathway between cells in the raphé pallidus and/or caudal raphé magnus, and identified sympathetic preganglionic neurons and give further support for a role for the caudal raphé nuclei in sympathetic autonomic regulation.

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