The Role of Bone Centers in the Pathogenesis of Craniosynostosis: An Embryologic Approach Using CT Measurements in Isolated Craniosynostosis and Apert and Crouzon Syndromes

This paper describes the role of the displacement of bone centers, i.e., the tubers, in the pathogenesis of craniosynostosis. This displacement was studied in 54 patients with isolated or syndromic craniosynostosis in the form of CT scans as well as in two dry neonate skulls with Apert syndrome. For comparison, 49 fetal and 8 normal infant dry skulls were studied. Our investigation was restricted to the coronal and metopic sutures. The results showed a significantly more occipital localization of the frontal bone center and a more frontal localization of the parietal bone center at the side of a synoslotic coronal suture in the isolated form as well as in Apert syndrome. In contrast, this was not the case in Crouzon syndrome, thus showing that these two syndromes have a different pathogenesis. For trigonocephaly, a more anteromedial localization of the frontal bone centers was found.