Immunocytochemical Study of Proteoglycans in Vocal Folds

We evaluated the proteoglycan composition of normal vocal folds using immunocytochemical techniques. Frozen sections of 14 normal cadaveric vocal folds were obtained within 12 hours of death and sectioned immediately. Vocal fold sections were stained with antibodies against keratan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG), decorin, and hyaluronate receptor. We found that the lamina propria has diffuse staining of fibrillar components with keratan sulfate and decorin. Intense staining was observed in the vocal ligament area with keratan sulfate. The HSPG was localized to the basement membrane zone. Chondroitin sulfate, HSPG, and hyaluronate receptor were detected in the cytoplasm of interstitial cells with immunocytochemical characteristics of macrophages. The keratan sulfate distribution suggests that fibromodulin may be significant in normal vocal folds. Production of HSPG and probably versican occurs in macrophages and fibroblasts in the lamina propria.