Numerical ellipsometry: Applications of a new algorithm for real-time, in situ film growth monitoring

The equations associated with the popular models of film deposition of a material on a substrate tend not to be invertible in practical situations. Thus development of numerical techniques for obtaining approximate solutions to these equations has become necessary. At present, real-time, in situ thin film growth ellipsometry data are limited to a single angle of incidence due to the deposition system windows. The 2C algorithm, developed by the authors, represents a new approach to solve this problem. This algorithm is fast enough for reliable real-time solutions without requiring either accurate initial estimates or any off-line processing. Algorithm 2C employs the techniques of dynamic step adjustment, overrelaxation, and reduction in dimension, as well as curve following and curve intersection location techniques developed by the authors. The algorithm was originally developed for nickel deposited on BK7 glass, and in this article it is applied to silver, silicon, and gold depositions on BK7 glass. Gold films could be solved readily with no changes, while problems with convergence were encountered with some silver measurements and silicon data required changes in the ‘‘standard’’ initial estimate.

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