Linkage analysis of human chromosome 4: exclusion of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) and detection of new linkage groups

As part of our ongoing linkage studies of degenerative retinal diseases, we tested seven DNA markers and two classical genetic markers from chromosome 4 in two extended families with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). Our goals were (1) to detect or exclude linkage of ADRP to markers spanning most of chromosome 4 and (2) to contribute useful new information regarding the linkage map of this chromosome. Our results exclude linkage of ADRP from more than 82% of chro mosome 4. We detected four new linkage relationships: loose linkage of K082 (D4S10) and G1E5 (D4S21) at a distance of 21 cM; loose linkage of 4F2 (D4S18) and GC protein at a distance of 19 cM; tight linkage (i.e., no recombinants) between B3D (D4S44), B5A (D4S40), and the MNS blood group; and tight linkage between 4F2 and GDS5 (D4S23). These data, combined with previously reported data, exclude ADRP from approximately 35% of the human genome.