In vitro cytotoxicity of Ag-Pd-Cu-based casting alloys

The cytoxicity and its correlation to alloy composition, structure, corrosion, as well as galvanic coupling was studied with 12 Ag-Pd-Cu-type alloys, one conventional type III gold alloy and pure Ag, Cu, and Pd. The agar overlay cell culture technique was used. Single phase binary CuPd alloys were only slightly cytotoxic below a Cu content of 30 wt%. The tested multiphase alloys were all toxic, but no correlation between toxicity and Cu content could be observed. Solid solution annealing increased the cytotoxicity of a multiphase alloy. Exposure of a single phase alloy to an artificial saliva for 1 week prior to the test decreased its cytotoxicity significantly. Galvanic coupling of the alloys through an outer copper wire decreased their cytotoxicity.