Moore, Elizabeth J. (Cornell U., Ithaca, N. Y.) The ontogeny of the apothecia of Pyronema domesticum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(1) : 37–44. Illus. 1963.—A single hyphal strand produces a cluster of antheridia and ascogonia, each pair of like or unlike sexual differentiation. Each cluster forms 1 apothecium. Plasmogamy is followed by nuclear migration from the antheridium, and an ascogenous system develops from each ascogonium. Concurrently, a sterile system of hyphae arises from the stalk cells supporting the ascogonia and antheridia. Apothecial expansion occurs as a result of the continuous proliferation of all structural elements. Comparisons are made with the closely related and easily confused P. omphalodes (= P. confluens).