Reduction in the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia from 1980–1990: Results of a multivariate logistic regression analysis

A retrospective analysis (1980–1990) of normally formed low birthweight (25cm H2O, duration of fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)>0.60 (DO2), maximum peak inspiratory pressure (MPIP), maximum FiO2, patent ductus arteriosus, bacteraemia and either pneumothorax or pulmonary interstitial emphysema were associated with an increased risk of BPD Adjusting for BW and GA, there was a significant reduction in BPD risk from 1980–1990 (relative odds of 0.88 for each year compared to the previous year). This trend could belargely accounted for by decreases in MPIP and DO2 during the study period. Surfactant treatment was not independently associated with a significant change in the risk of BPD. Based on this analysis, we developed a scoring system for predicting the risk of BPDL in the neonatal period which we evaluated in a random sampleof infants. This predicted infants at risk of BPD with a sensitivity of 65% and a specificity of 88%. Use of this score would allow prediction of BPD at a tim when earlier preventive treatment could be started.