Seckel-like Syndrome in Three Siblings

Seckel syndrome has been described as the prototype of the primordial bird-headed type of dwarfism. Since Seckel originally defined the disorder, less than 60 cases have been reported. In addition to the characteristic craniofacial dysmorphism and skeletal defects, abnormalities have been described in the cardiovascular, hematopoietic, endocrine, and central nervous systems. This pleiotropy has implied genetic heterogeneity and prompted reviews of previously reported cases of Seckel syndrome. As a result, the characteristic diagnostic features of Seckel syndrome have been highly debated. Although deletions in chromosome 2q have been described, to date, no genetic defect has been defined. We report three cases of Seckel-like syndrome in siblings from nonconsanguinous Caucasian parents. In addition to the typical Seckel phenotypic features, all three cases were characterized by severe hydrocephalus. We review the literature and propose that there is a spectrum of Seckel conditions that share some common key features, but also demonstrate a wide range of phenotypic features.