Heterogeneity of spindle units in the cat tenuissimus muscle

Three tandem spindles and their nerve supplies, reconstructed by light microscopy of serial transverse sections of the cat tenuissimus muscle, were compared to single spindle units. Each tandem spindle consisted of one large unit containing a dynamic bag1, a static bag2, and several static chain fibers (b11b2c unit) linked by the bag2 fiber to a small unit containing only a bag2 and chain fibers (b2c unit). Most features of primary afferents, secondary afferents, and motor neurons were qualitatively and quantitatively similar in both single and tandem b1b2c units. However, b1b2c units of tandem spindles had a lower density of skeletofusimotor innervation than did single b1b2c spindles. The 2c spindle units differd greatly from single or tandem b1b2c units. The 2c spindle units had fewer intrafusal fibers and incoming axons than either the tandem or single b1b2c units. The motor innervation of b2c units was typified by nonselective γ axons that coinnervated both bag2 and chain fibers, in contrast to the regular occurrence of both selective and nonselective motor axons in b1b2c spindle units. The afferent located at the equator of 2c units differed in size, branching pattern, and intrafusal distribution of its ending from both the primary and secondary sensory axons of b1b2c units and, therefore, might represent a third category of spindle afferent. Thus, cat tenuissimus muscles contain three types of spindle units that differ in the number and organization of muscular and neural elements. These differences in structure and neural organization among tenuissimus spindle units may be a source for generation of different sensory signals in response to common mechanical or fusimotor stimuli.