The Upper Devonian (Frasnian) conodont fauna of the Lime Creek Formation of north-central Iowa is dominated by species of Polygnathus. Patterns of species composition and abundance are consistent with the Polygnathus biofacies described from the Frasnian of the Northwest Territories of western Canada. Consequently, the standard Frasnian conodont zones, defined on sequences developed in the Palmatolepis biofacies, are not applicable to the Lime Creek sequence. The Lime Creek conodont sequence correlates with Zones 4, 5 and Faunal Interval 7 of the Frasnian conodont sequence in the Alberta Rockies and with similar sequences in the southwestern United States. The Pb elements of Palmatolepis semichatovae Ovnatanova and Ancyrognathus? deformis (Anderson) are described and illustrated for the first time.In the Lime Creek Formation of north-central Iowa, brachiopods of the lowermost part of the Nervostrophia thomasi Zone of Day (1989a) occur in Zone 4, brachiopods of most of the N. thomasi, Douvillina arcuata, and Cyrtospirifer whitneyi Zones span conodont Zone 5, and the Elita inconsueta and Iowatrypa owenensis Zones occur in Faunal Interval 7. Species of the ammonoid Manticoceras and of the gastropods Floyda, Turbonopsis, and Westerna are restricted to Faunal Interval 7. Species of the calcareous foraminifer Nanicella first occur in Zone 5, and are joined by species of Multiseptida high in Zone 5.