Transvaginal ultrasound in threatened abortions with empty gestational sacs

Objective: To determine whether transvaginal ultrasound criteria alone can distinguish viable from non‐viable gestational sacs at a single examination. Method: A prospective descriptive study was undertaken and analysis performed on 211 pregnancies complicated by threatened abortion and empty gestation sacs diagnosed by transvaginal ultrasound. The main outcome measure was the final diagnosis of viable or non‐viable gestation on subsequent transvaginal sonography. Results: The study shows that a single transvaginal ultrasound examination is useful in differentiating viable from non‐viable gestation sacs. The mean sac diameter (MSD) was found to be the most useful criterion for determining non‐viability. An MSD of ≥ 17 mm that lacked an embryo and an MSD of ≥ 13 mm without visible yolk sac were reliable predictors of non‐viable gestation sacs at a single examination with 100% specificity and 100% positive predictive value. An MSD ≥ 13 mm without visible yolk sac was the most sensitive criterion. Using MSD criteria, 73% of non‐viable gestations could be reliably identified without any false‐positive diagnoses. Deformed shape, low position and thin decidual reaction are strong indicators of non‐viable gestations but are not 100% accurate. There is still a significant proportion of empty sacs, where no accurate distinction between viable and non‐viable can be made according to one criterion at a single examination and in these cases serial examinations should be carried out before any active management is advocated. Conclusion: In most cases, transvaginal sonographic criteria alone can distinguish viable from non‐viable empty gestational sacs at a single examination.

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