The petrography and mineralogy of Iherzolite nodules from an intrusive body of alkaline-ultrabasic rocks on Jetty Peninsula. The nodules are massive with a porphyritic hypidiomorphic granular texture. The main rock-forming minerals are: olivine, pyroxene, garnet and chrome spinel. The nodules are coarse granular spinel-garnet Iherzolites that are chemically similar to pyrope peridotite from Krezemze, Czechoslovakia, and pyrope-bearing peridotite from alkaline ultrabasites of Yakutia, USSR. The Al2O3 content in enstaties and Ca/(Ca + Mg) ratio in co-existing chrome diopside suggest that equilibrium conditions of the mantle mineral assemblage are: T = 875–900°C, P = 20–24 kbar, conditions typical of the spinel-pyrope facies of the upper mantle. Depths of withdrawal of the inclusions do not exceed 60–75 km. Available age determinations of the intrusive alkaline-ultrabasic rocks (145–150 Ma) suggest that alkaline-ultrabasic magmatism and withdrawal of plutonic nodules were related to rifting which resulted in the breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent in the late Mesozoic.

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