Breech presentation is always of interest because of the difficulties and complications so often encountered. The problem of a suitable anesthetic is a pertinent one. It is the purpose of this paper to present the results of a large series of breech deliveries in the home and the technic employed, with special reference to the use of local anesthesia. During the four year period July 1, 1932, to June 30, 1936, 11,772 patients were delivered at the Chicago Maternity Center. Three hundred and forty-six breech presentations occurred in 336 cases, an incidence of 2.8 per cent. Seventy patients were primiparas and 266 multiparas. The Chicago Maternity Center is a large outpatient obstetric service. All patients are delivered in the home except those with antepartum bleeding or severe toxemia and those for whom cesarean section is advised. Only two patients were hospitalized primarily because of breech presentation. Both had markedly contracted