Kinematic Interpretation of Exotic Forward Δ Production in pnΔpπ+ and pnΔΔ++ at High Energy

We provide a nonexotic, kinematic interpretation of forward Δ production in the reactions pnΔpπ+ and pnΔΔ++ at high energy. We show that forward production of Δ in Δpπ+ is mediated by a simple diagram which includes one-pion exchange plus low-energy, off-shell πpπ+Δ scattering. The final state nπΔ++ is produced by a similar one-pion—exchange diagram. The sum of these diagrams imitates pnΔΔ++. Our approach has the virtue of absolute normalization; both shapes of distributions and total cross sections are in excellent agreement with available data. We discuss other reactions in which the same mechanism operates, and propose tests of our scheme.