Rice crop identification and area estimation using remotely-sensed data from Indian cropping patterns

This study attempts to give an appraisal of the use of remotely-sensed data for different rice cropping patterns specific to India. Using even 80 m spatial resolution data of LANDSAT MSS in the form of false colour composites (FCCs), the rice crop was identified with an accuracy of 90 to 94 per cent from cropping patterns having more than 50 per cent of cropped area under rice. Cropping patterns having less than 50 percent of cropped area under rice and the rest of the area under multiple crops were identified with an accuracy of 75 percent. From the Indian experiences of higher spatial resolution multispcctral scanner data (3m resolution) and in the present study, it was observed that besides higher spatial resolution, acquisition of data at the critical crop windows (the periods of minimum overlap of greenness of rice with other crops) is necessary to reach 90 per cent accuracy for multiple cropping patterns.