Visual orientation during lateral tilt is viewed in terms of orientation constancy. The postural systems involved in the maintenance of constancy are considered to be those of the otolith, neck and trunk. The relative contribution of these systems was investigated by obtaining visual verticality judgments immediately upon and several minutes after head, body, and trunk tilts. Due to the apparent non-adaptation of the otolith system any changes in visual orientation resulting from prolonged tilt would be attributed to adaptation of the proprioceptive system stimulated. For 30° head tilt visual orientation over-constancy was reduced by about 2°, reflecting the influence of the neck system. Prolonged body tilts of 30°, 60° and 90° reduced the constancy operating by approximately 1°, 3° and 8°, respectively. This was taken to indicate the contribution of the trunk system, which increased with increasing degrees of body tilt. The above interpretations received strong support from experiments involving trunk tilt, which stimulates only the neck and trunk systems.