To investigate a possible heterogeneity of human ventricular myosin, papillary muscles of patients with valvular dysfunction were examined using a modified native gel electrophoresis. Myosin was separated into 2 components termed VA and VB, whereby the VA to VB proportion appeared to depend on the ventricular load. The proportion of the faster migrating band VA was correlated (P < 0.05) with end-diastolic pressure and the aortic pressure-cardiac index product. The regression based on these variables accounted for 67% of the variation in VA (R2 = 0.67). The VA proportion was, however, not significantly correlated with cardiac norepinephrine concentration. The ATPase activity of the 2 components of myosin was assessed from the Ca3(PO4)2 precipitation by incubating the gel in the presence of ATP and CaCl2. The ATPase activity of VA was 60% of that of VB. The VA and VB forms were observed also in the cat (31.4% VA), dog (32.1% VA), pig (28.5% VA), wild pig (33.7% VA), and roe deer (30.5% VA). VA and VB were not detected in the rat exhibiting the 3 isoforms V1, V2, and V3, rabbit (100% V3), and hare (86% V1). The data demonstrate a heterogeneity of large mammalian ventricular myosin, whereby an increased cardiac load appeared to be associated with a higher myosin VA proportion that exhibited a reduced ATPase activity.