32.3: An Eyeglass‐Free Rear‐Cross‐Lenticular 3‐D Display

We have developed a new method of an eyeglass‐free stereoscopic display, which we call “Rear‐Cross‐Lenticular 3‐D Display” (RCL3D). The RCL3D consists of a LCD panel, two lenticular lens sheets which run perpendicular to each other, a Checkered Pattern Mask and a backlight panel. On the LCD panel, a composite image which consists of alternately arranged horizontally striped images for right eye and left eye, is displayed. This composite image form is compatible with the field sequential stereoscopic image data. We made prototype of the RCL3D (14.5″, XGA) and confined the good quality of the stereoscopic 3‐D images. But there is slight crosstalk with the prototype. The measured crosstalk is around 5%. According to the results of a simulation of illumination profile in viewing zone, LCD with less reflectance and scattering is expected for RCL3D to reduce the crosstalk.

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