The spin resonance of Mn++ in LiCl, NaCl, and KCl is described. In NaCl, five different spectra are observed. Designated I, II, III1, III2, and IV, these arise from Mn++ ions in five different environments. These are identified as (I) Mn++ ions in an aggregated or precipitated state, (II) isolated Mn++ ions which are not near any defect, (III1) Mn++ ions with a positive ion vacancy bound in the nearest cation site, (III2) Mn++ ions with a vacancy bound in the next-nearest site, and (IV) Mn++ ions paired off with a chemical impurity charge compensator. In LiCl and KCl only the two vacancy-Mn++ pairs (III1 and III2) are studied. In all three salts the nearest and next-nearest vacancy-Mn++ pairs are approximately equally stable. By studying the spectra in NaCl as the temperature is raised, the thermal dissociation of the Mn++-vacancy pairs is observed, with a corresponding increase in the number of isolated Mn++ ions. This follows a simple mass action law giving a binding energy for the Mn++-vacancy pairs of approximately 0.4 ev. An ionic point charge model of the crystalline field produced by the defects is successful in explaining several features of the spectra. However, the magnitude of the field predicted in this manner appears to be a factor of ten too low if the recent theory of Watanabe is used. This discrepancy is attributed to the role of overlap of the ion cores and/or covalency.