The organization of the efferent projections from the pontine parabrachial area to the amygdaloid complex: Aphaseolus vulgarisleucoagglutinin (PHA‐L) study in the rat

The organization of the efferent projections from the pontine parabrachial (pPB) area to the amygdala has been studied in the rat by using microinjections of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA‐L), a sensitive and selective anterograde axonal marker, into restricted subregions of the pPB area. The results confirmed that the pPB area primarily projected onto the ipsilateral nucleus centralis of the amygdala (Ce), and to a lesser extent onto the ipsilateral posterior basolateral (BLP), anterior basomedial (BMA), and amygdaloid cortical (ACo) nuclei of the amygdala. Substantial projections were also found in the substantia innominata dorsal/ventral portion of the globus pallidus (SId/GPv), substriatal (SStr), and fondus striatal (FStr) regions which continue the amygdala rostrally. The results demonstrated that the projections of the pPB area onto the Ce were topically organized: (1) The region of the pPB area mainly including the medial subnucleus (pPBm), the waist area (pPBwa), and a thin rostral lamina of the ventral lateral subnucleus (pPBvl) projects primarily to the medial portion of the Ce (CeM). Dense projections were also found in the BLP, BMA, and ACo nuclei of the amygdala, and in the SId/GPv, SStr, and FStr rostral areas. (2) The region of the pPB mainly including the rostral portion of the central lateral subnucleus (pPBcl) and the outer‐rostral protion of the external lateral subnucleus (pPBel) projects primarily to the lateral portion of the Ce (CeL). (3) The region of the pPB mainly including the dorsolateral subnucleus (pPBdl), the remaining pPBel, and the external medial (pPBem) subnuclei projects primarily to the lateral capsular protion of the Ce (CeLC) and bilaterally to its rostral portion. Dense projections were also found in the regions which extend the CeLC rostrally and in the SId/GPv, SStr, and FStr rostral areas. The possible role of each of the three parabrachio‐amygdaloid pathways described is discussed. It was suggested that the pPB‐CeM pathway is mainly implicated in gustatory processes; the pPB‐CeL pathway is mainly implicated in visceral and chemosensitive processes; and the pPB‐CeLC pathway is mainly implicated in respiratory, cardiovascular, and nociceptive processes.