Water relations of bare-root jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) planted in a greenhouse and on a boreal cut-over site were examined during the first growing season. In field-planted trees, maximum stomatal conductances (gwv) were initially low (< 0.10 cm s-1). Base and minimum xylem pressure potentials (.psi.x(base) and .psi.x(min)) were less than -1.5 and -1.7 MPa for jack pine and -2.0 and -2.6 MPa for white spruce, respectively. During the growing season, maximum gwv increased in both species to around 0.2 cm s-1. Base and minimum xylem pressure potentials also increased in both species to around -0.5 and -1.0 MPa in jack pine and -1.0 and -1.5 MPa in white spruce, respectively. Minimum xylem pressure potentials in white spruce fell below the turgor loss point during the first half of the growing season. Osmotic potential at the turgor loss point .psi..pi.(TLP) decreased after field planting to around -2.7 and -2.3 MPa in jack pine and white spruce, respectively. In the greenhouse, minimum values of .psi..pi.(TLP) were -2.2 and -2.3 MPa in jack pine and white spruce, respectively. Maximum bulk modulus of elasticity was greater in white spruce and underwent greater seasonal change than in jack pine. Relative water content (RWC) at turgor loss ranged between 71 and 74% in jack pine and 80 and 87% in white spruce. Available turgor (Tavail), defined as the integral of turgor over the range of RWC between .psi.x(base) and xylem pressure potential at the turgor loss point, was similar in jack pine and white spruce just after field planting. For the rest of the growing season, however, Tavail in jack pine was two to three times that in white spruce. Diurnal turgor (Tdiurnal), defined as the integral of turgor over the range of RWC between .psi.x(base) and .psi.x(min), as a percent of Tavail was higher in field-planted white spruce than jack pine until the end of the season. Dynamics of tissue water potential components are discussed in relation to plantation establishment.

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