Secondary Structure Dimorphism and Interconversion Between Hairpin and Duplex Form of Oligoribonucleotides

RNA hairpins can alternatively form a dimer with a bulged loop flanked by regularly base paired regions. [1H]NMR spectroscopy and native gel electrophoresis were used to study how the sequence of nucleotides in the loop of the hairpin affect the hairpin-duplex interconversion. As a model system, a hairpin containing 7 nucleotides in the loop and 5 base pairs in the stem was used. The loop size was gradually reduced from 7 to 4 nucleotides, yielding finally the stable UNCG tetraloop. Single nucleotide mutations were performed to investigate the influence of the self-complementarity of the loop sequence on the dimerization. The results demonstrate that (1) the initial fraction of hairpin is determined by concentration of the oligonucleotide, the annealing procedure, and the relative stability of the loop, (2) the degree of self-complementarity of the loop sequence of the hairpin governs the dimerization kinetics, and (3) oligonucleotides complementary to the loop sequence decrease the dimerization rate. We propose a secondary structure-based model for the dimerization reaction of RNA hairpins in which the formation of intermolecular base pairs between self-complementary nucleotides of the loops represents the nucleation step.