Persistent and transient spectral hole burning inPr3+- andEu3+-doped silicate glasses

Persistent and time-resolved transient holes were burnt into the D21 3 H4 transition of Pr3+ and the D05 7 F0 transition of Eu3+ in silicate glasses. The holewidths were studied as a function of burning-fluence density, wavelength, and temperature between 0.4 and 12 K. Transient holes arising from optical pumping of ground-state nuclear hyperfine levels were found for both ions at T<3 K. Their lifetime decreases with increasing temperature. They are accompanied by symmetrically placed antiholes. For Eu3+, two pairs of antiholes were found which are attributed to the two europium isotopes, Eu151 and Eu153. For Pr3+, an additional mechanism leading to persistent hole burning dominates above 3 K. The holewidth follows a T(1.3±0.1) dependence for Pr3+ and a T(1.0±0.1) dependence for Eu3+. The temperature dependence is the same as that of the contribution of the two-level systems to the specific heat measured on the same samples and in the same temperature range. The quadrupole splittings of the F07 ground state and the crystal-field splittings of the F17 and F27 levels of Eu3+ as a function of excitation wavelength indicate that the strength of the noncubic component of the crystal field varies monotonically for excitation across the D05