New high-pressure phases of Nb3Si produced by recrystallization of metastable sputter deposits

Threee new phases of the alloy Nb3Si have been produced by a relatively low-temperature (∼800 °C) recrystallization anneal under pressures of up to 100 kbars. The new phases are apparently formed only when the Nb3Si starting material has a metastable body-centered-cubic structure which is prepared by sputtering. They are not formed when the Nb3Si starting material has the Ti3P-type structure. One of the new high-pressure phases has a superconducting transition temperature Tc of 5.45 K, but its crystal structure has not yet been identified. The phase formed at 60 and 100 kbars has a tetragonal Ni3P-type structure, but the structure of the 80-kbar phase is not known.

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