Evidence for infection of male and female guinea pigs by the chlamydial agent of guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis (Gp-ic) following intrarectal inoculation was documented by recovery of the agent from rectal swabs up to day 23 and from segments of intestinal tract to day 17. Antibody response to Gp-ic was demonstrated in the serum by Day 21 although titers were low as detected by indirect immunofluorescence. In a few instances scrapings of intestinal tissue contained cells with Gp-ic inclusions when stained with Giemsa. Gp-ic inclusions were also observed in ocular smears from males and females (8 positive/35 tested) and vaginal smears (2 positive/16 tested). These studies augment the value of this animal model system for the study of genital infections caused by Chlamydia.

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