Analysis of Interfacial Failure in Particle-Filled Elastomers

The evolution of microdamage (interfacial dewetting) in highly filled elastomers under consideration of high deformation gradients is examined. The interface between hard (rigid, two-dimensional) inclusions embedded in an elastomer characterized by a three-term Ogden (rate insensitive) model, and the elastomer matrix is represented by a cohesive-zone type interfacial model to follow the whole process of interfacial dewetting and its effect on the global (multiphase) material response in a plane strain setting. The analysis is carried out through a mixed finite element formulation for hyperelasticity, incorporating interface elements. We consider the effects of particle geometry and loading conditions on the process of interfacial failure. The results indicate that the distributed failure process is highly unstable and depends heavily on the size, shape, orientation and interactions of inclusions as well as the global loading conditions. The overall material behavior of the model agrees qualitatively with experimental observation.