The Epidemiology of Entamoeba Histolytica in a Nigerian Urban Population

Microscopic examination of multiple faeces samples of 2 825 persons was carried out in the Metropolitan Lagos. Overall prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica was 11.2%. Prevalence increased rapidly in younger age groups and there were no real differences between males and females. Prevalence was high among families who ate together from the same plate, among those who ate with their fingers and among those who ate away from home. Prevalence was not associated with type of water supply but was seemingly influenced by storage of household supplies. A low infection rate was associated with the availability of water closets and toilet habit. No association was found between prevalence and standard of education but the rate of infection was increased among workers with high occupational interaction. Significant differences were found among different ethnic groups. The highest infection rate was recorded in the last month of the wet season.

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