Sensitive, Quantitative Recording X-Ray Spectrometer

A spectrometer has been developed with the object of achieving a high diffraction efficiency, low background, and stability and convenience in operation. A mechanism is used to position the detector and crystal in relation to the sample, for determining extended spectra by Johann's and Cauchois' methods. Sample-chambers with radiation shielding walls are used, and the outlet for fluorescent radiation is designed for reducing background. Microsamples can be used to simplify the evaluation of quantitative results. A vacuum-chamber has been designed for further reducing background. 4×7 cm crystal lamellae on glass supports are prepared from blocks of NaCl or LiF and bent cylindrically for line focusing, or double-curved for point-focusing to increase the intensity at particular wavelengths, the focusing always being aberration-free. The equipment has been calibrated for microquantitative determination of 30 elements, and an absolute sensitivity of 2×10−10 g has been achieved for the elements Co–Zn.