This paper describes the tissue distributions of dichlorvos, an organophosphate, and chlorpyrifos-methyl, an organophosphorothioate, in a male individual who died after ingesting an insecticidal preparation containing these chemicals and the results of an in vitro stability study on dichlorvos and chlorpyrifos-methyl in blood and buffers. Tiny amounts of dichlorvos, 0.067 and 0.027 mg/L, were detected in the vitreous humor and cerebrospinal fluid, respectively. Although dichlorvos (0.082–8.99 mg/L or mg/kg) was detected in the thoracic aortic blood, thoracic inferior vena caval blood, pericardial fluid, bile, and spleen, it was strongly suggested that it had diffused postmortem from the stomach, which contained 879 mg, because no dichlorvos was detected in the other blood samples and tissues tested. Substantial amounts (0.615–4.15 mg/L) of chlorpyrifosmethyl were detected in all blood samples, and the order of its concentrations was as follows: pulmonary vessel blood > thoracic inferior vena caval blood > blood in the right cardiac chambers > blood in the left cardiac chambers ≈ thoracic aortic blood > right femoral venous blood. The total amount of chlorpyrifos-methyl in the stomach was 612 mg. However, it was strongly suggested that virtually no chlorpyrifos-methyl diffused from the stomach into surrounding fluids and tissues postmortem because no chlorpyrifos-methyl was detected in the bile and little was found in the pericardial fluids. Neither compound was detected in the urine. In vitro experiments showed that dichlorvos (10 mg/L) almost disappeared from fresh (pH 7.4) and acidified (pH 6.2) blood samples within 24 and 72 h, respectively. However, 53 and 77% of the original amount of dichlorvos in 0.05M phosphate buffers at pH 7.4 and 6.2 were detected 72 h later. Chlorpyrifos-methyl (1 mg/L) was very stable in blood samples, regardless of the pH, during the 72-h study period, but in the pH 7.4 and 6.2 phosphate buffers, approximately 80% of the original amount had degraded after 72 h. These results indicate that organophosphates are degraded more rapidly by esterase activities than by chemical mechanisms and that organophosphorothioates are hydrolyzed chemically in aqueous solutions but are very stable in biological specimens and not metabolized by esterases. When sodium fluoride was added to blood samples, dichlorvos degraded completely within 15 min, and chlorpyrifos-methyl became very unstable. Thus, when analyzing samples to detect organophosphorus chemicals, this common preservative should not be added to fluid specimens.