N-Terminus Conservation in the Terminal Pigment of Phycobilisomes from a Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Alga

High molecular weight polypeptides from phycobilisomes, believed to be involved in facilitating the energy flow from phycobilisomes to thylakoids, are conserved in the prokaryote Nostoc sp. and the eukaryote Porphyridium cruentum. Partial N-terminal sequence analysis of the phycobilisome-polypeptides of Nostoc (94 kilodalton) and Porphyridium (92 kilodalton) revealed 55% identity in the first 20 residues, but not significant homology with sequences of other phycobiliproteins or phycobilisome-linkers. Polypeptides (94 and 92 kilodalton) from Nostoc thylakoids free of phycobilisomes, previously presumed to be involved in the phycobilisome-thylakoid linkage (M Mimuro, CA Lipschultz, E Grant 1986 Biochim Biophys Acta 852: 126) exhibit the same immunocrossreactivity but are different from the 94 kilodalton-phycobilisome polypeptide by having blocked N-terminal and a different amino acid composition.