Bowel endometriosis: CT-enteroclysis

Although several radiological techniques have been used for the diagnosis of bowel endometriosis, no gold standard is currently established. We used multislice computerized tomography (CT) combined with the distention of the colon by rectal enteroclysis (MSCTe) for the diagnosis of bowel endometriosis. Following bowel preparation, pharmacological hypotonicity, retrograde colonic distention by water enteroclysis, and intravenous injection of iodinated contrast medium, a single volumetric acquisition of the abdomen is performed. MSCTe findings suggestive of bowel endometriosis are the presence of solid nodules with positive enhancement, contiguous or penetrating the colonic wall. When endometriotic lesions are detected, the degree of infiltration of the intestinal wall can be estimated; however, the depth infiltrated by nodules reaching the submucosa may be underestimated. MSCTe is well tolerated by the patients. The strength of MSCT consists in the high spatial resolution; volumetric data acquired by using thin slices provide isotropic voxels and multiplanar reconstructions have a quality comparable with that of the original axial scans. The potential of MSCTe for the diagnosis of bowel endometriosis relies on the fact that the serosal, muscular, and mucosal layers of the bowel wall can be evaluated.