Inter‐relationships between bone mineral content measures

In vitro periodontal alveolar bone mineral content (BMC) measurements obtained with dual‐energy radiography (DER) were compared with assessments based on bitewing radiographs (BWX). In addition, in patients, the relationship between bitewing and several postcranial dual‐energy‐radiographic measures were evaluated. Dual‐energy‐radiographic and bitewing measurements were made on 2 cadaver mandibles initially and after 2 incremental bone reductions at 4 sites. Rank‐order correlations between dual‐energy‐radiographic and bite‐wing measures for the 4 sites ranged from 0.7 to 1.00. Bitewing measures indicated true bone loss with a sensitivity of 1.00. For patients, correlations between bitewing measures and dual‐energy‐radiographic scans suggested the strongest relationships were in the distal sections of the radius and ulna and in the intertrochanteric and Ward's areas of the femur. Correlations, in the 0.5–0.6 range, were not statistically significant (p > 0.05), but were quite robust considering the small sample size and preliminary nature of this investigation. Results suggest that the bitewing measure is sufficiently sensitive to detect clinically meaningful (5% or greater) changes in alveolar BMC and. further, that alveolar bone mineral content may reflect postcranial BMC. The implications of postcranial bone mineral changes being reflected in alveolar bone would enhance both our understanding and treatment of alveolar bone loss. The use of bitewing measures to facilitate identification of patients with postcranial bone loss is discussed.