Type II collagen-induced arthritis in mice. I. Major histocompatibility complex (I region) linkage and antibody correlates.

A model of arthritis was established by the injection of type II collagen into mice. Only mice bearing the H-2q haplotype were susceptible to the disease. Susceptibility was further mapped by the use of recombinant strains to the Iq locus. Type II collagen arthritis was observed in the (resistant .times. susceptible)F1 cross. Mice strains were designated high, intermediate or low responders with respect to the anti-type II antibody levels measured by radioimmunoassay. Arthritis-susceptible strains were all classified as high antibody responders. The clinical and histological appearance of type II collagen arthritis in the mouse indicates that it may be a good animal model for the investigation of various immunogenetic traits in rheumatoid arthritis.