Multipole Theory of Neutrino-Nuclear Reactions: Application toC12

The cross section for neutrino-induced nuclear reactions is presented in the form of a multipole expansion, appropriate for the excitation of nuclear levels of a definite spin and parity. The theory is then applied to the T=1 levels of C12, knowledge of their excitation cross sections being required for both low-energy Eν53 MeV, with neutrinos from stopped muons) and high-energy (EνGeV) neutrino experiments that use counters containing carbon. We take a phenomenological approach, determining the needed transition densities from fits to the measured form factors of these levels for the closely related electroexcitation process. While the low-energy cross section is dominated by the excitation of the 1+ ground state of N12, the high-energy cross sections receive their largest contributions from both positive-parity spin-flip states and especially from the 1 giant-resonance levels, with additional strength from 3+ and 2, 4 levels.