The Role of Open Rhinoplasty in the Management of Nasal Dermoid Cysts

Learning Objectives: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Determine the differential diagnosis for a midline nasal mass. 2. Describe the three theories of the pathogenesis of nasal dermal sinus cysts. 3. Discuss the necessary preoperative studies and surgical treatment of nasal dermal sinus cysts. The nasal dermal sinus cyst is one of many midline nasal masses that often pose diagnostic and treatment dilemmas for the plastic and reconstructive surgeon. The differential diagnosis of the midline nasal mass includes both congenital and acquired processes. A thorough understanding of its cause is crucial to treatment. A comprehensive discussion of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, sequelae, and surgical management, and a representative case analysis, of the nasal dermal sinus cyst is presented to delineate the role of open rhinoplasty in optimizing the care of this congenital nasal deformity. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 104: 1459, 1999.)

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