A technique is described for measuring the incorporation of myo-inositol-2-3H into the lipid of various regions of the guinea pig pancreatic acinar cell by radio-autography. Stimulation of enzyme secretion with either pancreozymin or acetylcholine was associated with increased graining in both the basophilic cytoplasm and the nonbasophilic cytoplasm. Kinetic studies suggested that the incorporation of myo-inositol-2-3H was stimulated independently in the two regions. Most of the increment in graining due to stimulation with pancreozymin or acetylcholine plus eserine was abolished if the tissue was extracted with 2: 1 chloroform-methanol before radioautography. On chromatography of lipid extracts of pan creas, the only lipid showing a detectable increment in radioactivity on stimulation with pancreozymin was phosphatidylinositol. Thus, essentially all of the increment is graining is likely to be due to increased incorporation of tritium into phosphatidylinositol. These studies, coupled with earlier studies employing differential centrifugation, indicate that on stimulation of enzyme secretion there is increased synthesis of phosphatidylinositol in the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and in the smooth-surface Golgi membranes. The significance of these observations is discussed in connection with membrane circulation presumed to occur in the pancreatic acinar cell on stimulation of protein secretion. It is suggested that the increased synthesis of phosphatidylinositol may be concerned with the formation of new endoplasmic reticulum and possibly Golgi membrane to replace that which is presumably converted to membrane of the zymogen granules during intracellular protein transport.