A novel method for the single-step separation of Zr + Hf from all matrix elements of geological samples has been developed for Hf isotopic measurements using multiple collector-ICP-mass spectrometry. The method combines an effective sample decomposition by LiBO2 fusion with a selective separation of Hf + Zr by a solid-phase extraction material based on dipentyl pentyl phosphonate, commercially available as U-TEVA.Spec. Using this simple and rapid procedure, Hf and Zr can be isolated in a single separation step with good recoveries (>90%) and satisfactory blank levels (∼55 pg of Hf), so that a subsequent isotopic measurement with ICPMS is possible. An excellent separation from rock-forming constituents is achieved, including those elements (Al, P, Ti, Cr, Fe, Mo, etc.) known to interfere in conventional separation methods based on ion-exchange techniques. The potential of this new method for Hf isotopic analysis is demonstrated by replicate MC-ICPMS measurements of 176Hf /177Hf ratios in seven international reference materials of silicate rocks, spanning a range of Hf contents and bulk compositions.