An electron microscope study at high resolution of the corneal epithelium of the normal mature and immature mouse revealed new information regarding the submicroscopic appearance of these cells. Two thin dense lines separated by a less dense area constituted the structure of the limiting surface membrane of epithelial cells; the thickness of this membrane was about 80 A Some differences in the appearance of the cytoplasm and mitochondria of cells from the immature mouse cornea and the appearance of the cytoplasm and mitochondria of cells from the adult mouse cornea were seen. The basement membrane appeared as a dense band about 600 A wide separating the basal epithelial cells from the substantia propria. Suggestions of periodicity were seen in some phosphotungstic acid-treated specimens. Round bodies believed to be bacteria were seen on the surface of the outer epithelial cells in the adult mouse cornea but not in the immature, unopened eye.