Nuclear Ground-State Correlations and Boson Expansions

It is well known that the second-order ground-state correlation energy calculated in the usual random-phase approximation (RPA) is off by a factor of 2. It has also been noted that there is a factor-of-2 discrepancy in the correlation corrections to the Hartree-Fock occupation probabilities. The reason for these phenomena is traced to the treatment of the exchange terms in the interaction matrix element. An illustration based on a simple single multipole interaction shows that the factor of 2 arises from a coherent sum of small higher-order terms. Results based on the consideration of one or a few eigenmodes at a time are seen to be free of this difficulty. The correlation energy, occupation-probability corrections, and equations of motion are reexamined in the Beliaev-Zelevinsky boson expansion, as an illustration of clearly defined higher-order treatments.