Accumulation of14C-naphthalene in the tissues of redhead ducks fed oil-contaminated crayfish

Crayfish, artificially contaminated with14C-naphthalene-5% water-soluble fraction of No. 2 fuel oil, were force-fed to one-year-old redhead ducks to determine the accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons. The relative distribution of carbon-14 activity in the gall bladder containing bile, and fat were similar, and significantly greater (P < 0.05) than the activity in the blood, brain, liver, and kidney. There was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) in the blood, brain, kidney, and liver between days 1 and 3 of feeding, indicating a progressive accumulation of carbon-14 activity (naphthalene and presumably its metabolites). There was no significant effect of sex or the interaction of the duration of feeding and sex on carbon-14 activity in any of the tissues. The low daily dose of petroleum hydrocarbons (a total of approximately 1.25 mg/day) received by the ducks from the crayfish and the relatively short feeding regimen did not cause any overt signs of toxicity in the ducks.