Data were collected prospectively on all 67 women who underwent an attempt at external cephalic version (ECV) over 1 year in the four Glasgow maternity hospitals. Ultrasonography was used in all women. However, tocolytics were used in only two (6%) nulliparous women despite published evidence of their efficacy. Only 25 (37%) women undergoing ECV had a free presenting part which is known to be associated with success. Seventeen (25%) women were less than 37 weeks pregnant despite spontaneous version being common at this stage. ECV was successful in only 26 (39%) women and only 18 (27%) had a vaginal cephalic delivery. These results compare unfavourably with published results of around two-thirds for both end-points. Although publication bias is likely, patient selection, under-usage of tocolytics and lack of experience may also be factors. Consideration should be given to a reduced number of operators who can maximise their throughput and expertise.