Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the Bowel Wall for Assessment of Disease Activity in Crohn's Disease

OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of contrast-enhanced dynamic MRI in predicting the disease activity of Crohn's disease.MATERIALS AND METHODS. Forty-eight patients in two hospitals who had clinically suspected exacerbation of Crohn's disease were included in this study. In three levels of thickened small-bowel wall, axial dynamic T1-weighted sequences were performed every 4-6 sec for a total duration of 2-3 min after contrast administration; static T1-weighted turbo spin-echo sequences were acquired both before and after contrast administration. The slope of enhancement, enhancement ratio, time to enhancement, enhancement time, and thickness of the small-bowel wall were determined. These MRI results were compared with overall clinical grade, Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI), and Van Hees activity index. Clinical grade was based on clinical information, physical findings, laboratory studies, endoscopy, surgery, and other imaging studies. Spearman's correlation coefficient ...