The interrelationship among preventive health habits

This paper raises questions about the interrelationship among various aspects of health habits and health behaviors. Health habits, some of which relate to major risk factors for important chronic diseases, are sometimes assumed to be highly related to one another, so that one can classify people who live ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’ lifestyles. This paper examines the interrelationship among the various health habits, examining only personal health habits, and excluding factors relating to the use of health care services for prevention. Using a dataset from Liberty Life Corporation headquarters employees, factor analysis is used to examine this issue. This paper concludes that the six health habits of alcohol consumption, smoking, management of stress, diet, maintenance of proper weight and leisure time exercise do not form one dimension of health-related behavior. For both men and women, three separate factors are identified, although the precise grouping of habits differs by sex as does the strength of the individual level relationships as indicated by correlational analysis.

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