A new bacteriophage species, designated F22, was isolated from phage P22 stocks grown on Salmonella typhimurium Q1 lysogenic for Fels 2 at a frequency of less than 10(-11). P22 has a very short tail with a hexagonal base plate and six spikes. Phage Fels 2 is morphologically similar to E. coli T-even phages, having a long tail with a contractile sheath and carrying no genetic region related to P22. Phage F22 is morphologically and serologically indistinguishable from Fels 2, but carries the c(c(1), c(2), and c(3)) markers of P22. The color markers h(21), g, and m(3) of P22 do not appear in F22. Thus, F22 is evidently a recombinant between the unrelated bacteriophages P22 and Fels 2. The recombination between unrelated bacteriophages could play an important role in the evolution of bacteriophages.