Interaction of 1.3-μm laser radiation with thin foil targets

Comprehensive studies of the hydrodynamics and energy transport in laser-produced plasmas are presented. Thin low-Z foil targets (105103 g/cm2) were irradiated with 300-ps pulses from the Asterix-III iodine laser (λ=1.3 μm). Different diagnostics such as high-speed photography, plasma calorimetry, Ulbricht sphere for laser-light absorption measurements, and x-ray and ion techniques were used. Results on the velocity and energy of the accelerated foil, pressure, ablation rate, and lateral energy spread were obtained for a wide intensity range 10111016 W/cm2. Pressures exceeding 10 Mbar and foil velocities of up to 108 cm/se observed. The experimental data are compared with one-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations using different values of electron heat-flux limitation. An indication of intensity-dependent flux inhibition was found: f0.1 at intensities below 1013 W/cm2, but f=0.0150.03 at intensities above 1014 W/cm2.