Accuracy of diagnosis of malignant lymphoma by combining fine‐needle aspiration cytomorphology with immunocytochemistry and in selected cases, southern blotting of aspirated cells: A tissue‐controlled study of 86 patients

Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of lymph nodes in malignant lymphoma is fraught with difficulty. In certain clinical situations, cytology has been documented to be useful in patients with malignant lymphoma. The intent of our investigation was to determine the accuracy of a multiparameter approach in diagnosing lymphoma. We reviewed the results of FNA cytology combined with the immunocytochemistry and, in some cases, the Southern blots of aspirated cell suspensions obtained from 86 suspected lymphoma patients who subsequently underwent surgical biopsy of the aspirated site. In four cases, in which FNA was unable to retrieve sufficient material for diagnosis, the histology showed extensive fibrosis. When the FNA diagnoses were compared with the histologic diagnoses, the diagnosis concurred in 69 cases (56 malignant lymphomas, 12 reactive, 1 atypical lymphoid proliferation). There was one false-positive, six false-negatives, and eight cases diagnosed as atypical lymphoid proliferation. Overall accuracy was 91%. There were two types of false-negative cases: those in which a diagnosis of another malignancy or unspecified malignant neoplasm was made and those that were diagnosed as reactive when the histology showed lymphoma. In seven cases, the DNA rearrangement studies of the antigen receptor genes were successfully performed on the aspirated cells and were useful in establishing lineage and clonality of both B and T lymphoid cells. Our study indicated that the use of a multiparameter approach in the diagnosis of malignant lymphoma by FNA enhanced the accuracy of diagnosis of the non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. In Hodgkin's disease, no benefit was derived from the approach.