Conditional Standard Errors of Measurement for Scale Scores

Standard errors of measurement of scale scores by score level (conditional standard errors of measurement) can be valuable to users of test results. In addition, the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, & NCME, 1985) recommends that conditional standard errors be reported by test developers. Although a variety of procedures are available for estimating conditional standard errors of measurement for raw scores, few procedures exist for estimating conditional standard errors of measurement for scale scores from a single test administration. In this article, a procedure is described for estimating the reliability and conditional standard errors of measurement of scale scores. This method is illustrated using a strong true score model. Practical applications of this methodology are given. These applications include a procedure for constructing score scales that equalize standard errors of measurement along the score scale. Also included are examples of the effects of various nonlinear raw‐to‐scale score transformations on scale score reliability and conditional standard errors of measurement. These illustrations examine the effects on scale score reliability and conditional standard errors of measurement of (a) the different types of raw‐to‐scale score transformations (e.g., normalizing scores), (b) the number of scale score points used, and (c) the transformation used to equate alternate forms of a test. All the illustrations use data from the ACT Assessment testing program.