The strain‐time behavior of annealedplatinum wires at constant stress and temperature is reported for a wide range of experimental conditions, namely: 1550 to 78°K, 900 to 40,000 p.s.i., 0.001 to 0.1 strain, 10−1 to 10−6 min.−1 strain rate. The following relations were found to describe the results satisfactorily: σ=Aε̇ n |ε,T; σ=Be pT |ε,ε̇, ε=Ct a |σ,T; Q∼ log σ| ε ; ∂n ∂T = ∂p ∂ log ε̇ |ε, where σ=stress, ε=strain, σ=strain rate, T=absolute temperature, Q=activation energy for rate of deformation, t=time, and A, B, C, a, n, and p are constants.

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