Acceleration of Liver Regeneration by Malotilate in Partially Hepatectomized Rats

The effect of malotilate (diisopropyl 1,3-dithiol-2-ylidenemalonate) on liver regeneration was studied by using partially hepatectomized rats. Malotilate administration (100 mg/kg, p.o.) facilitated the weight gain of the liver after partial hepatectomy. Protein, RNA and DNA contents of the regenerating liver correlated well with the weight gain. The weight gain, RNA and DNA contents, and mitotic index were significantly suppressed in the alloxan-diabetic rats 24 hr after partial hepatectomy. However, malotilate administration significantly improved the delayed recovery of rNA content. Other parameters were not significantly improved by malotilate, but tended to increase to a level comparable to those of partially hepatectomized control rats. These results show that malotilate accelerates cell proliferation, resulting in facilitated liver regeneration in rats (as well as in alloxan-diabetic rats).